Optimizing Link Efficiency: Compression Mechanism Analysis in Wide Area Networks An Enterprise Network Case Study
Link Efficiency, Compression, Throughput, Layer 2 payload, Wide Area NetworkAbstract
The study aims to analyze the effectiveness of compression mechanisms in optimising link efficiency in Wide Area Networks (WANs). Using an enterprise network as a case study, the researcher employed OPNET Modeler 14.5 for simulation. Three scenarios were simulated, with two using predefined compression mechanisms. Results suggest that a point-to-point network with a compressed layer 2 payload but uncompressed header, achieves higher throughput than one with header compression, or no compression applied. Additionally, layer 2 payload compression reduces both delay and packet loss. The researchers propose a novel Msiska-Lubobya Improved Payload (MLIP) Compression technique to optimize link efficiency for WAN.
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